just for fun | 兴趣使然 Ph.D. in Engineering|❤️ #NFT $ETH| [Twitter](https://twitter.com/kanikig2)|[Github](https://github.com/KANIKIG)|[Telegram channel](https://t.me/kanikigtech)

2021_A New Beginning


Random Thoughts#

A year has passed, experiencing a lot.

Whenever I look back at myself, I always feel too restless, maybe this is the process of growth.

I always don't have time to write blog posts, either too busy or just not in the mood, can't find the right time, occasionally updating a post is also a study note for myself.

Hope to update more articles this year, writing is a way of dialogue with oneself, I haven't had a good conversation with myself for too long.

Domain renewal is expensive, changed a domain and found that the statistics without showing off were cleared, reluctant to the previous thousands of visitors' reading volume, still honestly renewed🙄

Small Goals#

  • Update the blog more when free
  • Learn some new things

Content I Want to Write This Year#

  • VPS evaluation
  • Recommendations for anime, movies, comics, etc.
  • Various technical tutorials
  • Software recommendations
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