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AWS Wavelength - The Easiest Startup Tutorial on the Internet - Only 3 Steps Required

You can start AWS Wavelength in just three steps. The tutorials available online, including the official ones, describe the process in too much detail. For individual users who only have streaming viewing needs, this article can help you save many unnecessary steps.

Introduction to AWS Wavelength#

Official Introduction: https://aws.amazon.com/wavelength/

Currently available regions: https://aws.amazon.com/wavelength/locations/

In simple terms, it allows server traffic to go through the operator's gateway. In the scenario where we use it as a proxy, the operator's IP is very clean, and we can enjoy native local internet access.

Three Steps to Startup#

This article takes the KDDI region in Japan as an example. The tutorials available online, including the official guides, include the step of creating a new VPC. In fact, you can just use the default VPC, which can save many steps later on.

1. Configure the Gateway#

Enter "VPC" in the search box to enter the VPC control panel, go to the operator gateway, and open the Wavelength available zone.

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After enabling the KDDI available zone, go to the operator gateway configuration and click on "Create Operator Gateway". Since we didn't create a new VPC, you can select the default one. Check the box that says "Route subnet traffic to the operator gateway" and create a Wavelength subnet. Copy the IPV4 CIDR block from the VPC, enter "/24", and increase the numbers in the C segment. If there are no errors, it's good to go. iShot2021-08-08 17.17.00

2. Create EC2 Instances#

Go back to the EC2 control panel and create a Wavelength EC2 instance. Note that you can only choose from t3.medium, t3.xlarge, r5.2xlarge, and g4dn.2xlarge for the instance types. Here, we choose t3.medium. Select the KDDI subnet that was created earlier for the instance configuration. The other configurations are the same as usual, remember to open all traffic in the security group.

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Since Wavelength instances cannot be assigned a public IP, we need to create an additional regular EC2 instance for internal forwarding. Keep the default configuration for this one. Here, we use the free t2.micro instance.

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Both instances are created successfully. Record the private IP of the Wavelength instance and the public IP of the regular EC2 instance.

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3. Configure Instance Forwarding#

First, connect to the regular EC2 instance and use iptables or brook to configure forwarding. The target IP is the private IP of the Wavelength instance, and the target port is its SSH port. After the forwarding is set up, simply change the SSH port to the listening port of the forwarding, and you will be able to connect to the Wavelength instance.

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Test the streaming media, everything should be working fine.

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The steps for starting up using the panel are as described above. Of course, there are even simpler startup methods. Many experts have developed AWS startup bots that use APIs for faster and more efficient startup. However, they all require purchasing authorization and are suitable for businesses that need to start up in batches. For individual users who do not have batch startup needs, you can refer to the startup method described in this article.

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